The GlossX Natural Gold Family NG|.03 - An Overview

The GlossX Natural Gold Family NG|.03 - An Overview

The GlossX Natural Gold shades NG|.03 have a distinct composition where the background makes up approximately 80% of the visual result, and the tone (gold) contributes about 20%. This balance allows these shades to effectively cover gray hair while offering a slightly warmer reflect than the intense warm naturals. This family includes GlossX shades 5.03, 6.03 and 7.03.

Note: Don’t be misled by the term "gold." The warmth is visually subtle, primarily because these colors are mid-range (levels 5, 6, and 7). These shades are perfect for creating a warmer variant of the natural family, providing rich yet subdued warmth that enhances the overall appearance without being overpowering.

Pro Tip: These nuances make the Natural Gold family versatile and suitable for clients seeking warmth with natural-looking coverage.

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